Thursday, March 20, 2014

Fried Zucchini and Marinara Sandwich

We had fried zucchini one night as a appetizer and my buddy Troy Calvert was like we should make a sandwich out of this. He did and here is my version of it.
1/2 Cup Oil
2  Zucchini cut 1/4 inch lengthwise( the zucchini is a fruit, being the swollen ovary of the zucchini flower)
1 Lb Fresh Mozzarella Cheese sliced into circles
1 Batch of Marinara or Bottled Spaghetti Sauce(recipe for marinara on my lasagna post)
1 Cup Flour
1 Tbl Salt and Pepper
3 Eggs Whisked
2 Cups Bread Crumbs(Panko)
1 Tbl Oregano and Basil
1/2 Cup Parmesan Cheese
4-6 Hoage rolls

1. In small mixing bowl mix flour, salt and pepper, once mixed pour onto a plate.
2. In medium mixing bowl whisk the eggs.
3. In medium mixing bowl mix bread crumbs, oregano, basil and parmesan cheese, once mixed pour onto plate. In medium sauce pan heat marinara or spaghetti sauce.
4. Cut zucchini and mozzarella.
5. In large saute pan heat oil over medium high heat. While oil is getting hot take zucchini and coat all sides with the flour mixture. Then Dredge in egg wash, place into bread crumbs and cover both sides.
6. Turn on over to 350 degrees. Once all zucchini is breaded place 4-5 into pan and cook for 4-5 minutes a side. After all zucchini is cook put 4 slices of zucchini onto bun add mozzarella and put into oven for 10 minutes or until cheese starts to melt. Take out of oven and add as much marinara sauce as you like add whatever sides you like… enjoy!(my wife liked it with red wine)

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