Monday, January 20, 2014

First Post as a Food Blogger

Hello World, So this is my food blog(what the hell am I doing?) a little history on me. I'm currently a line cook at a very high end retirement community in Denver Colorado. I have been there for a year and a half before that I worked at a restaurant in downtown Denver. Wait this is not making much sense! OK... rewind a little more I got sober 1946 days ago(that translates into 5 years and four months) and realized that I hated my job. I have always loved to cook for my family and friends. With my wife pushing me to change careers and to do something new, I figured culinary school. Ok, I think that makes more sense so I have been cooking as a "pro" for almost two years. Now I want to jump into food blogging and as I type this my first post the pizza we ordered for dinner just showed up(true story…yet the conversation is that our fav pizza joint recently changed their recipe…boo!). Let's make this as interactive as possible please add comments/ questions,add pictures of your finished food or what you did different you can even make special requests. I will try to comment on yours as well, I will post your recipes as well. Now remember recipes are just guidelines not directions to the center of the universe, I hate when some recipe says to use this much of an ingredient and you can't taste it. I say add as much or as little of something so it is to your taste. After all you are the one who is eating it! I want to have fun with this besides it's only food if you don't like what you made you can always order pizza.

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