Thursday, June 12, 2014

Street Tacos

I have not been posting much lately! We have one month until we move to South Korea. Things are starting to get crazy, last minute things to buy and ship. Putting your stuff in categories like stuff to take, stuff to ship, stuff to store and stuff for Goodwill. This just feels crazy weird to me... at least we are purging a lot of things(and keeping Goodwill well stocked) it's crazy the amount of stuff you can accumulate, that at one point you thought you needed. This process really makes us think about what we want and what we need. Ok, off the soap box, this is an easy 20 minute meal that tastes awesome we make this at work 2-3 times a week. During this insane time here at home we are all about simple meals (especially if it is all in one tortilla!).

Flour or Corn Tortillas
1 Medium Onion diced
1 1/2 Cup White Rice
1 Jalapeno sliced
1/4 Cup Cilantro
1-2 Tbl Cumin
1 Lb Beef(I used tenderloin use what you have or what is on sale)
2 Tbl Oil
1 Lb Cheddar Cheese

1. Cook rice as directed but add the cumin to the water (This flavors the rice throughly).
2. Cut beef into strips 1/2 inch wide 2 inches long.
3. In a large saute pan over medium heat add oil. Once the oil is hot add onion, jalapeno, beef and cilantro. Cook for 5-7 minutes add salt and pepper to taste.
4. In a medium saute pan over medium low heat warm up you tortillas if using corn add a little bit of oil to the pan.
5. Once rice is done, add rice to tortilla add beef and onion mixture and cheese...enjoy

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