Monday, June 30, 2014

Watermelon Gazpacho

1 Large seedless Watermelon
1 20oz can of Diced Pineapple
1/2 Cantaloupe
17-20 Fresh Mint Leaves
1 12oz can of Ginger Ale

1. Remove rinds from the watermelon and cantaloupe, de-seed the cantaloupe and 1/2 inch dice. Cut the watermelon in half, the first half 1 inch dice this half will be blended. The other half 1/2 inch dice and put aside.
2. In a blender add the pineapple juice and half the ginger ale(you may need to do this in batches) and the mint. Add the watermelon and blend. This is my little blender I had to use.

3. Ok this maybe the former drunk in me but if you added some rum right here and made this a drink it would be awesome. Pour watermelon juice to a large bowl add the cantaloupe and the pineapple and let it sit in the fridge for two hours... enjoy!

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