Sunday, February 2, 2014

Creame Brulee French Toast

We are a breakfast kind of family. My little man would eat french toast morning, noon and night! This recipe is a rich spin on creme brulee (my wife's dog is named Brulee which tells you how much she love the stuff!). It feels like dessert for breakfast, lunch or dinner.

8 Egg Yolks
3/4 Cup Sugar
1 1/2 Cups Heavy Cream
2 Tbl Vanilla(Vanilla is the second most expensive spice after Saffron)
1 French Baguette cut into 3/4 inch wide pieces(use what ever bread that you have. I will sadly admit to using plain white bread before. Challah is awesome with it as well.)

1. Separate yolks from egg whites and put Yolks in med. mixing bowl.
2. Add Sugar and whisk.
3. Add Cream and Vanilla and want the batter to be the consistency of thick tomato soup
4. Cut Baguette in to 3/4 inch pieces
5. Heat a large saute pan with a little butter (or what ever you use for French Toast) over medium heat.
6. Dip bread into batter make sure both sides of bread get a good coating. Place into hot pan.
7. Cook 3-4 min. per side( it should have a darker crust then normal).
8. Plate with fresh fruit( and of course butter and syrup) and Enjoy.


  1. Looks scrumptious. Looks like I might be successful (not too complicated). I will try this!
