Friday, February 28, 2014

Shrimp and Smoked Cheddar Grits

My wife and some of her friends went out lunch and she came back all boisterous. She begged me to make this for her (and Kate!). I went to work and asked Executive Chef Greg Strickland about grits and shrimp. Chef said of course I have a shrimp and grits recipe, this is what he wrote down. Try it my way or throw in your own flare!

 I also did this recipe as a single serving.


6-7 Shrimp size 21-25
1/4lb Andouille Sausage sliced
1/3 of 1 Shallot cut into rings(originated in Central or Southeast Asia, travelling from there to India and the eastern Mediterranean)
1 Mushroom sliced
1 tsp Fresh Thyme
1 tsp Garlic minced
1 Tbl Worcestershire
1/4 Cup Heavy Cream
2 Tbl Butter
1/2 Cup Grits instant
1/4lb Smoked Cheddar Cheese (the key is smoked!)
Diced Tomatoes and Green Onion for garnish
Salt and Pepper to taste


1. Cook grits as directed, when done add cheese and whisk until combined.
2. While grits are going, heat a small saute pan over medium heat, once hot add sausage and cook 5-7 minutes. Add Shallots, garlic, mushrooms and thyme and saute for 3-5 minutes.
3. Deglaze with worcestershire, once it boils(which should be right away) add shrimp and cream, bring up to a boil, cook until shrimp is cooked 4-5 minutes.
4. Serve in a bowl and garnish…Enjoy!

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