Tuesday, February 4, 2014

White Chocolate and Strawberry Bread Pudding

We went to a friend's house for a Super Bowl party(that is why it's a paper plate…but it is also known as the poor man's pudding dating back to the 11th century so I suppose that it is fitting)  a nice easy dessert would be bread pudding . You can put just about anything you like into it. My favorite is butterscotch chips. Luckily the bread pudding turned out a winner unlike the Broncos!

1 Cup Heavy Cream
1 Cup Whole Milk
1 5oz Sweetened and Condensed Milk
1 Egg
1/2 Cup Egg Yolks
1/4 Cup Brown Sugar
1/4 tsp Salt
1lb Strawberries
1 11oz bag White Chocolate Chips(White chocolate is not chocolate in the strict sense as it does not contain cocoa solids)
1 Loaf French Bread(or any bread you like)

1. In a large mixing bowl, whisk eggs, yolks, brown sugar and salt.
2. Add cream, milk and sweetened condensed milk and whisk.
3. Cut bread into 1/2 inch size pieces.
4. Cut strawberries into quarters.
5. In a 9X13inch pan add bread and white chocolate and strawberries.
6. Pour in batter, cover with foil and cook at 325 degrees
7. Cook for 45 min. bread pudding should not jiggle and be firm, center should not have any liquid
8. When done(it may take longer then 45 min. it is done when it is done so be patient) cut bread Pudding into 3X8 pieces.


  1. It was absolutely decadent, Rich! Karen shared the left-over's yesterday. YUM! Colleen Kerr
